Race: the power of an illusion, biological or social determinants of race
Live webcast: Friday, September 25 1–3 p.m. (Pacific)
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Screening of Race: The Power of an Illusion: (Part2) “The Story We Tell” followed by a live-streamed panel discussion on origins of the concept of race in the United States, how it was used by pseudo scientists and the elite to justify enslavement of Africans, and how the country’s laws and institutions were designed around race to privilege whites. The video examines the contradictions between the founding of the country as a democracy in which “All men are created equal” and the heavy reliance on the system of slavery and displacement of indigenous Americans to acquire land for white settlers. Panel experts will explore at how ideas of race evolved over the history of the country, and how scientific racism was embraced to justify slavery and the subordination of African Americans, Native Americans and other people of color.
This event is sponsored by Othering & Belonging.
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