Photos: Cars line up for food, PPEs and more at Gabrielino High in San Gabriel

Tzu Chi, an international humanitarian organization, has a goal — relieve suffering and make the world a better place for all. It helps in that regard by hosting drive-thru food giveaway events like Saturday’s at Gabrielino High in San Gabriel.

  • Boxes of fresh produce and dry foods are distributed to the community during a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley at Gabrielino High School on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

  • From right, San Gabriel Police Chief Gene Harris and volunteer Hiu Chan load boxes of fresh produce and dry foods into the trunk of a car during a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

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  • From right, volunteers Jingdian Chen and Hiu Chan load boxes of fresh produce and dry foods into the trunk of a car during a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

  • Boxes of fresh produce and dry foods are distributed to the community during a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley at Gabrielino High School on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

  • From left, San Gabriel Police Chief Gene Harris and volunteer Hiu Chan load boxes of fresh produce and dry foods into the trunk of a car during a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

  • Hsin Chen directs vehicles as the enter a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley at Gabrielino High School on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

  • From left, volunteers Min Leu and Fan Kung load boxes of fresh produce and dry foods into the trunk of a car during a drive-thru food giveaway hosted by Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley on Saturday, September 19, 2020. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

Cars lined up to receive boxes of fresh produce, boxes of non-perishable dry goods, backpacks filled with school supplies and 2020 census materials in multiple languages, as well as face shields and face masks at the farm-to-food-bank event.

Other organizations involved were the San Gabriel Unified School District, YMCA of West San Gabriel Valley, LA Regional Food Bank, Food Forward and the San Gabriel Police Department.

According to a news release about the event, the coronavirus pandemic has trigged a hunger epidemic across the San Gabriel Valley, where one in four children does not know where their next meal is coming from.

The goal for Tzu Chi San Gabriel Valley is to establish multiple locations for food giveaways throughout the area. The group was a recent donor to the Feed Alhambra event in late August.